This is going to be a chance for you to show what you know about figurative language. Please complete 1-6 and then create your own quatrain.

1. Use a simile in a sentence.
2. Use a metaphor in a sentence.
3. Use an idiom in a sentence.
4. Write a sentence using alliteration.
5. Write a sentence that contains an onomatopoeia .
6. Write a sentence that contains personification.

Create your own quatrain poem with either a rhyme scheme of AA-BB or AB-AB that contains three of the different types of figurative language we have discussed.

Please read and comment on other student's posts as well. Let's encourage each other's poetry skills!

This post is due by Monday, March 7th.
The subtitle for the most recent article published in our Weekly Reader says, "Many U.S. cities and states are running out of cash." Can you believe it?
I think most people don't believe it, but the old idiom is true, "Money does not grow on trees." If we continue to treat it  like it does, it will run out! Some large cities in the United States are spending too much money and are having to cut back on a lot of building  projects and jobs even really important ones like policemen and firefighters!  

Read the article in your most recent weekly reader called "Debt City" and answer the following questions.
1. What is a recession?
2. Who is the recession affecting?
3. When do recessions occur?
4. Why are recessions a problem?
5. How can the recession affect you and your family? Give examples.

Please remember to also comment on things about the article that suprise you or that you did not know. Don't forget to also comment on someone else's comment in the class and add to it if you can!

Both comments are due by Monday, February 21!