Hi, parents and students of Mrs. McBride's fourth grade class!  I wanted to take this opportunity to introduce myself to those of you I haven't met.  My name is Sarah Standridge, and I am a teaching intern from the Master of Arts in Teaching program at UCA.  Mrs. McBride has been kind enough to bring me in to her wonderful class from now until the end of April and give me the behind the scenes scoop about how to be a fabulous teacher like her.  I am having a great experience and learning so much!

I may not look like your average student teacher when you meet me, since I'm older.  I have two kids, ages 13 and 8, and I stayed home with them for most of their early years.  I have a degree in English so I love teaching reading and writing, and I have volunteered and worked part-time in education throughout the years.  I am getting to know all of the children in the class, and I am so impressed.  They are all amazing in their own unique ways, and I am learning a lot from them as well as from Mrs. McBride.

I hope to get a chance to meet all of you soon, and I look forward to continuing to work with Mrs. McBride and your impressive children!
Why do you think that our country thought it was necessary to make a flag? What is the point of a flag? Historically, flags were used as a symbol in battles, like the one below. It was thought to be used by Iran in a battle in the third millennium B.C. (3600- 2100 BC).THAT'S A LONG TIME AGO!!! It showed that the Iranian army was approaching the enemy. 

What different purposes do you think a flag serves now? Do flags only represent countries? Can flags be used in other ways? Where do you see flags most often? Please make a comment to contribute to this discussion and then comment on someone else's comment as well.

You will be given 5 points for each comment for a total of 10 points. Feel free to comment as much as you would like as long as it is on topic!

The 2nd week of fourth grade in Mrs. McBride's class has almost past. Wow! I can't believe it. We have such an amazing class full of great personality, past experiences, and love for each other. I can already name something special and wonderful about every member of our class. That's fantastic!
On your first blog post I want YOU to name something wonderful about our class. What do you like about it and the people in it? Be sure to be specific and write in COMPLETE SENTENCES!!! Remember all the blogging guidelines that have been set. I can't wait to read everyone's responses!
Your whole life you have been living around many forces, and you have constantly seen things in motion. You have even been the force that caused a lot of the things around you to move. Friction is a force that slows things down. For example, if you slide a paper across a flat. smooth surface, there is not a lot of friction so the paper can go farther, but if you try to slide a paper across a bumpy surface, it will not travel far. Friction can be a good thing and a bad thing.

Explain one real life example where friction is a good thing (stopping something from moving that needs to stop) and explain one real life exmaple where friction is a bad thing (stopping something from moving that needs to move). Think deeply. I want to hear your excellent examples!

Students remember to explain BOTH sides of friction (good vs. bad) and comment on someone else's comment. You may agree, disagree, or add to what they are saying. I look forward to the discussion.

Parents, other classes, and  other teachers are welcome to participate as well. We love to hear everyone's ideas! If we all work together, we could really get a great discussion in MOTION!

Based on your knowledge of hurricanes and tornados, which one do you think will do the most damage to our world (including the people in it)? Why do you think that? Give reasons and examples to prove your opinion.

Be sure to post your comment with your supporting evidence and post on someone else's comment as well. Both comments are worth 5 points for a total of 10 points.

These blog posts are DUE BY: Friday, November 11, 2011.

You may use this link to do some research on hurricanes and tornadoes.
This is a picture of a hurricane.
This is a picture of a tornado.
Why do you think continents are divided up into countries? How do you think this process first began? Think about the definition of country that we talked about in class. Maybe that will stir up some ideas.

How does this help our world? If we told someone that we were going to Europe and they could meet us there, would they be able to find us?

Make sure you post a comment and then respond to someone else's post by Monday October 17, 2011!!!

In reading class last week we discussed cause and effect. Remember we said that an effect occurs because of a certain event. This week in social studies, we have been looking at maps and their different parts. We briefly discussed how a map without all of its parts is useless because it doesn't tell us what we need to know. What if the world didn't have maps at all? What effects on our world would that have? List at least two effects.

1) Answer the question totally
2) Comment on someone else's post

Each comment is worth 5 points.
Both comments are due Wednesday, September 28!
This is going to be a place where our class can have online discussions about things that we are studying in our classroom. You will be required to make
2 comments each time we have an online discussion. One will be an answer to the question or questions, and one will be a comment to another person's ideas. Each post will count for 5 points, so if you complete the entire assignment you will get 10 points!!

What do YOU think about our online blog? Remember to answer the question and comment on another person's comment.
This is going to be a chance for you to show what you know about figurative language. Please complete 1-6 and then create your own quatrain.

1. Use a simile in a sentence.
2. Use a metaphor in a sentence.
3. Use an idiom in a sentence.
4. Write a sentence using alliteration.
5. Write a sentence that contains an onomatopoeia .
6. Write a sentence that contains personification.

Create your own quatrain poem with either a rhyme scheme of AA-BB or AB-AB that contains three of the different types of figurative language we have discussed.

Please read and comment on other student's posts as well. Let's encourage each other's poetry skills!

This post is due by Monday, March 7th.
The subtitle for the most recent article published in our Weekly Reader says, "Many U.S. cities and states are running out of cash." Can you believe it?
I think most people don't believe it, but the old idiom is true, "Money does not grow on trees." If we continue to treat it  like it does, it will run out! Some large cities in the United States are spending too much money and are having to cut back on a lot of building  projects and jobs even really important ones like policemen and firefighters!  

Read the article in your most recent weekly reader called "Debt City" and answer the following questions.
1. What is a recession?
2. Who is the recession affecting?
3. When do recessions occur?
4. Why are recessions a problem?
5. How can the recession affect you and your family? Give examples.

Please remember to also comment on things about the article that suprise you or that you did not know. Don't forget to also comment on someone else's comment in the class and add to it if you can!

Both comments are due by Monday, February 21!